Saturday, March 17, 2012

Quality family time

The bluebonnets are out in full force this year!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

5 Years

Galveston! A rainy weekend can't dampen our mood!

A little restaurant called Benno's.

A gray spring day.

Out to lunch.

A little candy shop on the island after a little shopping.

Zoe was happy to see us come back.

Over the past 5 years we have done more, seen more, and just been a part of more than we ever could have imagined 5 years ago. It's been a wonderful journey so far, and it's just getting started!

The Woodlands Tx. 1 year ago.

Hey this was Zoe a year ago, she's changed so much since then.

The winery in College Station Tx.

Temples in Egypt.

The little boat in Mexico. (Water Taxi)

We seem to find a boat everywhere we go. Dinner Cruise in San Fran.

Off to begin our Journey!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Domino time again

 Playing with some good old friends

All the "old" people playing

Our Motley crew of Aggies!