Saturday, June 28, 2008

Broken Camera

Our camera decided that it didn’t want to work anymore. Therefore until we can either get it fixed or find a way to get a new one there will be very few pictures. We may be able to post pictures that others take but no more of our own :( I guess all you get now are thoughts. Hmm… No thought at the moment a baseball game is on, thoughts to come later.


Rebecca said...

That sucks! (I mean, it sicks that your camera is broken, not that it sucks that all we get are your thoughts -- thoughts are great.)

Anonymous said...

I am from Nigeria but I live here in the US. havent been home in about 7 years so i envy you:( I just want to say, have a good time while you're there. I'm happy you see that africa is not really as bad as it portrayed to be. If you have any questions about Nigeria you can ask me.
Hope you have a good time :)